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Reviews from our tutors

nigerian tutor canada

Since joining in 2022, my experience has been nothing short of great. I've learnt a lot and worked with so many amazing people.

Joshua A.

5 amazing reasons to teach 
with us.


Weekly payments


Ready teaching materials 


Teach from anywhere


Continuous education


24/7 Support for your classes

Weekly payments

This is considered one of the greatest perks of working with us as this model is hardly found elsewhere. Teachers at LOOMI earn on a weekly basis (every Tuesdays) with funds for completed classes deposited to their bank accounts.

Teach from anywhere

Our teachers are able to keep their 9-5 jobs, while earning casually or full time with LOOMI. Classes are convenient and can be hosted anywhere as long as you have stable internet connection and gadgets approved by us.

24/7 Class Support

Our class managers are available around the clock to assist with class preparations, resource allocation and various forms of in-class challenges you may face. This typically means you're not left alone to figure anything out on your own.

Continuous Education

Our training program is designed to help teachers implement student-centred learning in their classrooms. We equip our tutors with the necessary tools and skills to create an engaging and interactive learning environment, where every student's needs are met. 

In 2024, 85% of our tutors earned an
average of N220,000 monthly.

to teach

Quiet Space 

Although you're allowed to teach from anywhere, you're required to teach from a quiet space that's free from distractions or noise. This is important.

Use of e-teaching tools

You'll become familiar with some of the e-teaching tools we use in our classes. After your orientation, you'll receive training on these.

Added protection

An added laptop or modem battery can come in handy whenever you have a power source emergency.

Working laptop or desktop computer

We recommend laptops with at least 1Ghz processor and a minimum of 256 MB of RAM for Windows machines (Windows 9-11) and for Macs, at least 1 Ghz Core 2 Duo Intel Processor.

Stable internet connection

We require a minimum of 20 Mbps upload and download speed for you to host a live class. 

External audio device

Along with your computer and stable internet source, it is also required that you have a set of wireless earphones or headset. This is to ensure clear audio interactions between you and the learner.

Our Application Steps

Audio-Video Test

Knowledge Test

Live Interview

Invitation to Teach (ITT)

Have further questions?

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