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Try this super fun winter-season science experiment with your kids or students!


Updated: Jul 15, 2024

Looking for the "just-right" science experiment to keep your kids or students active and in-tune with their scientific senses this winter season?

This cool Winter in Canada Nice Ice Science Experiment will have your primary students engaged in the scientific process while they learn experientially! 

Hands-on learning is one of the most effective ways to teach and science concepts are great for that. This winter-themed science experiment teaches students about the different states of matter in a fun and interactive way.

You and your students will love this awesome science experiment!

Here are the Ontario-specific curricular expectations this resource aligns with:

Kindergarten: Super fun science experiment for kids

14. demonstrate an awareness of the natural and built environment through hands-on investigations, observations, questions, and representations of their findings

14.1 ask questions about and describe some natural occurrences, using their own observations and representations

Grade 1: Science

Understanding Earth and Space Systems: Daily and Seasonal Changes

1. Relating Science and Technology to Society and the Environment

1.1 assess the impact of daily and seasonal changes on human outdoor activities and identify innovations that allow for some of these activities to take place indoors out of season

1.2 assess ways in which daily and seasonal changes have an impact on society and the environment

2. Developing Investigation and Communication Skills

"Just the perfect thing to do at home with my kids this December" Mrs. Sam Onyeka, mum of 2 LOOMI students.

What your kid would need for this fun science experiment:

• Water

• String

• Ice cube trays or a container (yogourt container, paper cup, etc)

Pre-activity questions to ask the student:

• What do you think will happen to the water?

• Why does the water change?

• How will the object escape from the ice?

• Will the ice change back to water? How?

Main activity

• Go on a winter walk to explore your outside area. Collect interesting natural materials as you go. You may want to use this Winter Snow Hunt Checklist to help focus your exploration.

• Place your natural materials into the tray or container and cover completely with water.

• Add a length of string to the water, making sure it touches the bottom of the tray or container.

• Leave outside overnight. What do you think will happen during the cold night? Will the water change? Why?

• In the morning, carefully take the ice out. Use the string to hang your ‘nice ice’ from trees and bushes.

• Do you think the ice will stay frozen? What might cause the shapes to change? What is this process called? What is happening?

• How long do you think it will take to melt?

Share your activity on social media

Try photographing the ice shapes to record changes over time. How does the ice feel when frozen? How does it feel when it is melting? Try this amazing super fun science experiment for kids and don't forget to tag us @loomilearn on Instagram.



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